“I’m quite capable of great enjoyment, and I’ve had a great life.”

Two paragraphs on Daniel Kahneman

Aleksander Molak


Image by Hooman Takbiri at Pexels

I was surprised to learn about Daniel Kahneman’s passing away this Wednesday.

At first I felt sad.

Kahneman’s (and Tversky’s) works influenced my thinking about probability and uncertainty in decision-making, inspired me to study psychology and made me think about insufficiency of probability to describe data generating processes.

I vividly remember a summer day, probably in 2013 or 2014, when I was walking the streets of Warsaw, reading Thinking Fast and Slow.

This book not only inspired me “scientifically” so to say, but also had an impact on my personal life. It was one of these books that inspired a change in my thinking and quite literally impacted the direction switch in my life’s trajectrory.

I have maybe three books like this in my life.

This memory made me feel immensely grateful that I came in contact with Kahneman’s and Tverskky’s works and reminded me about the importance of sharing our thoughts and works with others.

We never know when something we share can have a great deal of impact on someone else’s life.

I won’t be able to invite Daniel Kahneman to the podcast and ask him about the connections between Hume, Michotte, System 1, and (our perceptions of) causality, but a trace of his ideas will remain in everything I am doing.

Thank you, Daniel Kahneman.



Aleksander Molak

Researcher, Educator, Author, Advisor || Causality, NLP & Probabilistic Modeling || Learn more: bit.ly/learn-more-medium